We offer a comprehensive chimney clean service, with all of our work fully accredited. Often overlooked, Chimney Cleaning is a vital part of your home maintenance schedule, and we use Modern and Effective Power Sweeping Technology.

In addition to our standard cleaning service, we also offer a full Smoke Testing and Safety Test, which ensures that your property is free from smoke (including Carbon Monoxide)and other emmisions from Chimneys. For more information, please contact us.

Full Certificate
All of our work, including sub-contracted, is of a high-quality standard and to prove this, we offer a Full Certificate upon completion - guaranteeing that your work is of the highest standard.
Instruction Manual Downloads
For more information, click here to book us!​​

Good Luck Wedding Service
We offer an Authentic, Victorian good looking Chimney Sweep to authenticate your wedding (Me!).
Chimney Sweepers often add Good Luck to weddings, in Traditional and Authentic ways.
For full information on this service, please click here to contact us.